frequently asked questions


How far in advance do I need to order?

5 business days in advance

When do you deliver?

Our deliveries leave our store on the hour, you'll receive tracking info to keep you updated of your delivery

What is the minimum order?

£50 is our minimum order for Delivery

How far away do you deliver?

Up to 10 miles away

Can I choose individual quantities of each item rather than a mixed selection?

Sure! Just add the details to your order notes at checkout or drop us an email to let us know!

Can I book a delivery now and finalise my order later?

Absolutely, you can reserve your delivery date/time now with a £50 deposit. This gives you to time get your final order together up to 5 business days before your event. Just remember to use code Deposit50 at checkout when you send through your final order to refund your deposit.

Cant see the timeslot / date you need?

Make sure you've selected your event date via the cart page, if you've skipped this step just hit the cart button at the top right of your page then you'll be able to select the time slot at checkout

Need to discuss an enquiry/existing order or have further questions?